People will say that digital photography background and free green screen software methods are not real photography. Auto focus lenses, digital photography background using free greenscreen software on PC. That automation put aside the need of knowing basic photography, but you also have to a wide your base of knowledge and learn some more different aspect of monitoring photography with digital photography background.
Operating the old manual cameras started to be a limitation. In contrary, the use of digital photography background and free green screen effects on camera and on our PC, enable more people to carry out their creativity.
Automated camera, and low cost of digital products, made it possible to all people become homemade photographers expressing their creativity and keeping record of their life.
One problem that was solved by digital photography that saves time and effort. Many people use their camera and digital software, which increase their creativity and happiness. There are a lot of "new borne" photographers that make living from their portrait studios using digital photography background and free green screen ideas.